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Client: Grace Centers of Hope

Designers for Learning worked with Grace Centers of Hope to facilitate a volunteer service-learning project (see project website) focused on the design of instructional materials and learning activities to meet the parameters of the College and Career Readiness standards. The e-service-learning project involved 22 college students and 18 faculty advisors from 14 different instructional design programs who collaborated in a 100% virtual project. The student service-learners worked on three project to explore the design of open educational resources (OER) and instruction for college and career readiness, including:
  • Pilot A – Mapping and Mining of Open Educational Resources
  • Pilot B – Design and Development of Prototype Instructional Unit
  • Pilot C – Design and Development of Computers for Learning Instructional Unit

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Collaboration Website

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Adult Basic Education

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]While the outcome of this project will support the missions of many organizations that offer adult basic education, those participating on this service-learning project are volunteers of Grace Centers of Hope, a faith-based outreach to homeless and disadvantaged individuals and families. Grace Centers of Hope provides a full recovery and rehabilitation campus for homeless men, women, and children who have been abused or addicted to drugs and/or alcohol, including a one-year residency program for adult male and female clients recovering from drug, alcohol, or other challenging issues.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]

Student Prototypes

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